
HEY! LISTEN!! (I have an interview with Kimora Klein)

For those of you who follow my more adult ramblings on jdheartsporn.blogspot.com, Kimora Klein is a name you're familiar with. If you don't read that, or know who Kimora is, then I am proud to be the one to bring this beautiful woman into your life. kimora is a pornstar who you can find very undressed on her highly NSFW website, but today I wanted to talk to her about another passion I have thats not blasian related; the Nintendo 64.

The Nintendo 64 came out in 1996, and I got it for Christmas of that year. We had Mario64 and Shadows of the Empire, so as a 13 year old I was pretty much in heaven. Before that the last system I had regular access to was the original NES and my Gameboy (which is still working some 19 years later!). I had a Sega Genesis at my grandmother's house. but I only wen there once a month or so when it wasn't summer break. So getting a 64 was a huge deal for me. I was in a cam chat with Kimora recently and she showed off one of her controllers, so I KNEW I had to visit with her about this. 

How long have you had your N64?
Since it came in 1996. So wow, I've had this thing for 14 years a.k.a. the majority of my life!!

What was the first game you loved for it?
Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Although when I first really got into playing it was a tie between that and Super Smash Bros. Holy shit, could I kick some ass with Link in that game.

What games are you still playing?
Both OoT and Majora's Mask. I really like a lot of RPGs, and Zelda especially because you can choose what you do differently each time you play. You can actually even completely screw yourself by missing something and not be able to fix it. That happened to me once. :(

Least favourite game?
Honestly, I like ALL the games I have. I play Banjoe Kazooie the least though.

In Goldeneye, were you the dick that picked Oddjob because he was smaller then all the other characters?
My mom didn't let me play that! Too violent. I was only like, 9!

Whats the most obsessive you got with a game? I beat Mario, then beat it with all 120 stars, then beat it with all 120 stars in order. 
I bought a replica of Link's Kokori ocarina. And yeah, put it this way -- I'm still playing the game.

Did you beat Ocarina of Time without cheating? I used a walk-through because I'm a coward.
It took me like 5 and a half months to beat, cause I was super anal  and was too focused on getting each and every damn item and killing all the Skulltulas and all the pieces of heart. I beat the game for the first time without getting all those things, and then maybe the fourth time around I did get everything. Last year I bought a walkthrough for Majora's Mask, but like I said it's very subjective as to how you choose and what order you pick to do things, and I didn't like how the author had it laid out. So I never used the book.

Who's your best Mario Kart character? 
TOAD! I'm pretty sure he's faster and more aerodynamic 'cause he's tiny.

How awesome were rumble packs? That kind of technology blew my mind when it was still fairly new. 
I looooved rumble packs! It came to the point where I thought it was blasphemous to play any action game without it. 

If we were going out, what Nintendo character would I mostly likely to be able to convince you to dress up as for a night of double fantasy passion? You at all would of course be the first part of that fantasy.
Aw haha. Put on some tights and I'll be an exotic Zelda.

Lots of fun with this interview, thanks Kimora it was just what I needed. Its cool to find out what a huge Zelda fan fan you are! The wonderful and beautiful Kimora Klein can be found on her website and her twitter

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