
Hannah Montana: The Movie Review pt. 2

Miley is back at her grandmother's house, a woman she hasn't visited in years. "She" gives grandma an Elvis plate to go on her wall of celebrity hicks.

What follows is actually some classic slapstick fun, with the plates falling and Billy Ray Cyrus' mad dash to save them. I was genuinely impressed with it, and it ends perfectly. Its not the smartest humour, but it is rather timeless. Rascal Flatts is friends with Miley's grandma, playing... a band that sings like Rascal Flatts. I actually saw them in concert, along with the gorgeous Taylor Swift, who makes a cameo later. While this is going on Miley and her grandma chat, and the next day she tries to pretend everything good and she's happy with her Miley life. Some farming related pratfalls and Billy Ray Cyrus has another funny line. He's the real secret super-star here. He goes out to work on the truck, and finds Jan from the Office welding...something under the hood. My buddy watching, who's a bit of an automotive aficionado, started to rant and think up reasons for it, but was mostly exasperated. then its a nonsense scene, where Jackson is working at an animal show, and gets is butt bitten off. Its a harmless, fun diversion.

Miley and her grandma get into a confrontation - as much as exists in this universe - and then there's hijinks with the paparatzzo chap thats followed her to town. He ends up being diverted to the middle of nowhere, where he prepares to kill a Predator.

Travis catches Miley singing, says her music has no soul or personality, they bond over building a chicken coup, and then its time for a fundraiser to sound town. Miley's dad sings, and then Taylor Swift is here. When I saw her in concert she gave me the eye, totally true story. Still, its no use, even after Miley sings, the town doesn't have enough money and the corporate goons are going to take over. Then Travis says Miley could get her friend Hannah Montana to come help. I suspect tomfoolery next time in the conclusion!!

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