
The Correct Answer is "No"

The question ranges, from "Can I take you out on a date" or "Would you like to go out sometime", ect ect. Now obviously, the answer can be yes I'm not saying that, but if you don't want to go out with the other person, say no. I'm directing this mostly at women, but I'm sure there's a lot of guys that do this shit too, but I'm less familiar with asking them out. Its just so incredibly frustrating to get hit with anything other then a definite answer. Either you want to go on a date, or you do not. If you're not sure if you like the guy and want to wait, you say no. There, all done. Then if you do decide you do, tell him since you already know he's interested. If your answer remains no, then its extra done. Simple! I'm reminded of this because a guy I know asked out a girl. It went like this:

"Do you wanna go out?"
"...as friends".

You know damn well thats not what he meant, and he doesn't want to hear that.You tell him no. No I do not want to go out with you. I've heard girls say they don't like to be blunt because it could hurt someones feelings, but that kind of answer is rejection plus adding pity and being insulting. Guys just want a simple answer that leaves no wiggle room. We want yes or no. Its better for everyone, honest. Gaah.

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