
Wayne Reynolds' Boggarts

Facevaulter was one of the first Magic cards to make an impression on me. I had just started learning when Lorwyn came out, and me and my friends bought some pre-cons. I went with the Boggart's Feast deck, and to this day I still have a R/B Goblin deck thats composed of all Lorwyn/Morningtide block cards. Facevaulter is just DRIPPING with flavour between the art and the cards functionality; it wants something, and its going to get it no matter what.

Mad Auntie is another piece that goes to demonstrate just how...goofy Lorwyn's tribes of goblins could be. While other sets have had zombies and vampire's and demons, this block had frogs. Lots and lots of frogs. But despite being the least threatening tribe black has had in ages, it made for some great art and the deviation from the norm gives these boggart's a reason to be remembered. 

Marsh Flitter; such a cock-tease! Oh wait, the boggarts are after the mushroom, not her fine faerie funbags. Either way, its another card that is solid in the blend of flavour and function. It also nicely bridges two mostly unconnected tribes; boggarts like new and yummy treats, and the fae like tricking people and playing with them. And like Facevaulter, Flitter gets a boost from sacrificing goblins. There's a difference though; while Vaulter is excited and in a fervor to the point where he doesn't care about anything else, Flitter just wants to keep these boggarts around and use them for her own benefit, and discards them when they're no longer important. I like that both cards want you to have more goblins to sacrifice, and both get a power and toughness boost, but both do it for reasons aligned in their particular tribes mindsets.

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